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  • Guide on How to Create a Compelling Sustainable Report and it’s Benefits

    The practice of indulging activities in natural resources has proved to be effective for both the present and future. In this regard, the government has come up with the initiation of a National Implementation Plan to receive the Sustainable Development Goals, from 2022 to 2024. This has emphasized the growth of sustainability reports. It has brought importance to sustainable development, which is being dedicated by organizations and helps to understand how operations of the business are affecting environmental stewardship. Let’s dive deeper to learn the insights of sustainability reports, impact, and benefits. What do we understand by “Sustainability”? Sustainability refers to the development… Read more
  • Capture the Attention of Investors with an Engaging Integrated Annual Report Crafted by a Top-Tier Creative Agency

    Change of Gears: Integrated Annual Reports Demand Design Expertise No more trouble with financial spreadsheets that used to dominate annual reports, since traditional reports initiate a better comprehensive picture based on financial, market, risks and structure, IARs. They are imbibed with social and environmental impacts by implementing value elements, which shape the narratives better.The changes not only seek for the time and resources but also demand a design-centric approach. It is different from the traditional reports, IAR designs, which usually focus on sustainable design strategy. The following are the valid reasons that justify the presence of a sustainable design strategy: - Digitalization… Read more
  • Beyond Numbers: The Compelling Story of Annual Report

    An Annual Report transcends mere spreadsheets into captivating narratives that showcases a company's journey over the past fiscal year. It communicates not just with investors, but to all the stakeholders internally and externally. Financial Results are presented not as dry data, but as graphical illustrative representations. Key metrics and trends are portrayed, offering a visual amalgamation of past achievements and future aspirations. This transparency fosters trust and strengthens relationships with stakeholders. But AnnualReports are not limited to these alone. It celebrates milestones, highlighting accolades and underscoring company commitments. This celebration motivates the employees… Read more
  • ICICI Securities Ltd's ESG Report

    A moment of accomplishment for team Cygnus.ICICI Securities Ltd's ESG Report for FY 21-22 had won the *ESG REPORT OF THE YEAR* Award at the prestigious 2nd Annual ESG Summit & Awards 2022 organised by Transformance Business Media The said Report was visualised and designed by our Creative team. We are so happy !!!
  • IISER 9th Convocation

    We are on Cloud 9!We kick-started our Convocation season with the successfull execution of the 9th Annual Convocation of IISER Kolkata.We brought uniqueness to the Convocation theme with the scrupulous use of number 9 across the venue. The prodigious Convocation event was highly appreciated and we are thankful to the IISER Kolkata authority for giving us this opportunity to prove our mettle once again.
  • ZSI

    Celebration of the Foundation Day of Zoological Survey of India.Throughout the pandemic, organizations have been challenged to evaluate and reimagine their programs and events. While the underlying reason was not positive, hopefully the outcome has been. Recently, Team Cygnus by virtue of its meticulous planning, proficiency and expertise had executed remarkably the 107th Foundation Day of the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) held on 1st July 2022 on the auspicious occasion of Rath Yatra. The prodigious event was graced by the presence of Chief Guest Shri Bhupender Yadav, Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India, and Guest of Honour Shri Ashwini Kumar… Read more
  • Ramayana

    We are gratified to state our contribution in making of the Bengali Book based on the Ramayana’s influence in Bengal “Bangabhumite Ramayan Charchar Aitihya”. The book was launched on the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya tithi at the Swami Vivekananda’s Ancestral House & Cultural Centre by Swami Jnanalokananda Ji Maharaj and Swami Suparnananda Ji Maharaj. We are privileged to be associated with such a divine Publication
  • IKS

    We feel extremely proud and gratified to be a part of the serene Swami Vijnanananda Gallery which was recently inaugurated at Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College, Rahara. The exhibition gallery is a wonderful depiction of the Indian Knowledge Systems based on the works of Swami Vivekananda and other luminaries and is build under the able stewardship and guidance of Prof. Joy Sen, IIT Kharagpur.The short video will portray the in-depth look of the gallery and our manifestation of being a Multi Specialized Agency. We are privileged 
  • Nurturing our Culture with “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat”

    Time and technology have narrowed down distances in terms of connect and communication. In an era that facilitates mobility and outreach, it is important to establish cultural exchanges between people of different regions, as a means to further human bonding and a common approach to nation-building. Mutual understanding and trust are the foundations of India’s strength and all citizens should feel culturally integrated in all corners of India.IIT Kharagpur, a mini India within India where Students from different cultural background stay together and dream together. And now IIT KGP Gymkhana is going ahead with the Central government’s cultural integration programme “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat”… Read more
  • Cygnus now offers a new service – office décor!

    Today Cygnus is truly a one stop solution shop when it comes to communication related assignments. For any of us if the first impression is the lasting impression then the environment of an office or an institute is as important as its other forms of communication.Office décor here, plays a very important role and many a client of ours often has felt this need. Our recent assignment for the Continuing Education Centre, IIT Kharagpur in this aspect has given us the confidence to add this service to all who need to rethink about their office décor.Cygnus has transformed the Lobby of the Centre, not only with an attractive Entry Signage but adding Panels that cover the walls with glittering panorama… Read more
  • Cygnus breaks the myth about distance at Vibrant Gujarat!

    For Team Cygnus it was time to allay the usual misconception of how much one can depend on vendor who is located at a distance of 2000 kilometres!It was time to reaffirm the team strength of Cygnus in terms of its design and logistic capabilities and resource management at an Exposition called ‘Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2019’ inaugurated by no less a man than the honourable Prime Minister of India.The venue was Vibrant Global Summit 2019 at Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Team Cygnus sprung into action in terms of designing and thereafter preparing a logistic resource planning that called for not only a fabricated pavilion covering 120 sq m but mobilizing hostesses, deploying facilities staff for up-keep,… Read more
  • Cygnus takes on the challenges of end to end solution for ICCAR 2018

    It all started almost a year ago when Cygnus was asked to take on the task of managing the 2 nd International Conference on Antimicrobial Research which was held under the aegis of IIT Kharagpur.The task was daunting since it not only called for management of the communication which included building of special portals, totally dynamic in nature for Member Registration, Abstract Submission/Review/Approval, Payment Tracking, Announcement of schedules, accommodation and travel logistics.This apart, we took on the multi dimensional task of branding the venue to designing and production all the communication materials which included publications, Abstracts printing to arranging goodwill items and… Read more
  • Cygnus provides robust support to Symposium on Hospital Planning and Beyond

    At the behest of the Department of Architecture and Regional Planning, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Cygnus took on the challenge of providing all the necessary support that such international seminars demand.The assignment included venue booking to venue décor and management of audio-visual requirements and guest felicitation to hospitality and ensuring prompt delivery of all abstract papers.On-time planning and resource management by the Event Management Team of Cygnus earned kudos from the client and the participants for Team’s clock-work precision delivery. The one day Seminar was held at Kolkata on December 28, 2019.
  • IIT Kharagpur Stall at Kolkata International Book Fair draws big crowd

    Enter the IIT Kharagpur Stall at Kolkata International Book Fair and you are really in an island of Knowledge!The welcome gate in the shape of a smartphone makes a bold statement of the shape of things to come in the area of knowledge acquisition at the click of a mouse.A smartly designed central module manned by equally smart demonstrators explain how NDLI is already providing over 20 million contents! The Stall also displays the path-breaking work of SandHI, A Science-Culture and Tradition-Technology initiative of IIT Kharagpur sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Govt. of India.The Stall with its attractive design in vivid colours and its rich offerings has been… Read more
  • At Cygnus it was ‘Our Winter of Events’!

    Come winter, and it’s time for events, conferences and exhibitions.With a plethora of events, conferences and exhibitions Cygnus team of specialist were traversing the country supporting our clients with a wide cross section of services.It was truly race against time for Team Cygnus at the Felicitation Ceremony for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) which was held on 2nd & 3rd February at Kolkata’s well known event destination Swabhumi. The mandate was to set up the event venue which not only required aesthetically designed décor and branding but a large stage for the ceremony and giant size LED Screens, printing of Certificates and  collateral print material and procurement… Read more
  • Cygnus breaks boundaries for designing and production of ‘Lignite Atlas of India!

    Our professional reputation for quality deliveries has spread far and wide, even crossing many boundaries. No wonder, when NLC India Ltd (formerly Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited) decided for the first time to bring out a prestigious publication, one of its kind ‘The Lignite Atlas of India’, a team travelled all the way from Neyveli, Tamilnadu. The result was a landmark Coffee Table publication, superbly designed with perfection in every aspect of printing production. Gold embossing on a hand crafted hard bound cover enriched the publication even more.Cygnus proves once more that distance today is just a mere mind set.
  • Cygnus creates waves in web development for IIM Amritsar

    Cygnus Advertising starts 2020 with a bang!IIM Amritsar, one of the premiere institutions for management studies and education in India, had recently entrusted Cygnus with the challenging task of creating a website for the Institute.Designed on a contemporary theme incorporating script based effects and animation, the website is eye catching and seamless to navigate. A fully functional and dynamic portal, it will handle end-to-end solutions on admission, student profile management, forthcoming MBA and Ph. D. admission process, recruitments as well as payment gateway and many more needs.What’s more, Site Admin or even the faculty members themselves will have the flexibility to update various… Read more
  • Cygnus makes its presence felt at Kolkata International Book Fair!

    Like the previous years, Team Cygnus was assigned with the prestigious task of Installation of a Pavilion for SandHI, a Science and Heritage Initiative and National Digital Library of India under the aegis of IIT Kharagpur to set up the respective stalls.The outstanding designs of the SandHI stalls with vibrant colours and judicious use of geometric forms with the interior space loaded with information was a big attraction pulling huge number of visitors every day. At the SandHI stall the glowing disc as one enters the arena draws your attention to loads of information arranged in a most spectacular mosaic of colours and words.The Stall for National Digital Library of India, stood out like a… Read more